Merry Christmas

Started by metrologygeek, 12-23-2013 -- 09:30:30

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Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to all my fellow ex PMEL geeks and especially to all those PMEL geeks still serving. May your audits be without findings and your reliability rate be right on target in 2014. Also, I hope you all have a safe, happy and healthy New Year!


Season's Greetings to y'all
Douglas J. Baird, USN(ret),


Wish you all a Happy Christmas & a Merry New Year!!!
"No matter where you go, There you are!"


Merry Christmas and prayers to all PMEL people out there. For those of us still looking for that new cal job I pray 2014 is a good year!


Merry Christmas to all the calibrators, twice over to those that are deployed!
Sarcasm - Just one more service I offer