creating a job and inventory database like METTEAM or PAMS

Started by AHS2013, 12-29-2013 -- 14:21:44

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Has anyone had to create a Job and Inventory tracking database for their perspective employers? My company uses Gagepack but it's certainly not a do all piece of software. I did some research on Fluke's METTEAM, used trail version,(very expensive) and discovered its a front end/backend type of database using their own front end with Microsoft's SQL server express as the back end. I can create a database in MS Access(the front end) and then use MSSQL server as the back end for the data and multi-user connections, etc. I was curious if anyone in the Metrology/PMEL world has had to make a database like this. I'm basically going to create one from scratch that will eventually be as functional as something like METTEAM or the Air Force's PAMS system. I was on the initial testing team for PAMS6 when it was initially deployed to Eglin and Gunter/Maxwell PMEL'S. It's a  data base that uses a web based front end which connects to an Oracle database back end. I plan to use Access as the front end, and MSSQL server as the back end since these are very common COTS products that many already use.  Let me know what you think or if you have any experience with creating this type of database (not a simple single file MS access database, that's not what I'm talking about). Cheers.[size]


That's way over my head.  My only feeble comments would be Gage Insight, a product by www[dot]indysoft[dot]com is a very powerful product.  That is certainly a benchmark in terms of functionality and flexibility.  I don't work for them or get any commission from them.  But I will say that in a former job, I was at the beta site for initial rollout of this product for a very large organization (no hints on what organization) with many sites.  One of the top people there spent a couple of weeks at our lab setting it up for us.  I was amazed at how flexible it was.  The person set up virtually every little detail exactly how we wanted it.  I won't try to describe its comprehensive capabilities.  I know it runs rings around MetTrack (I'm very experienced on it).  We are considering MetTeam, and I have heard that MetTeam was created in some measure to compete with Gage Insight.  Gage Insight has a web-based front end (look at me trying to sound like I know what I'm talking about).  It can operate through firewalls and has multiple interface modes.  Wait, I said I wasn't going to describe its comprehensive capabilities.  I'll stop there.  I do honestly love Gage Insight.  We are thinking of switching to MetTeam.  If its near Gage Insight, it should be pretty good.   Sorry that I can't properly answer your post.
"I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind."
Lord Kelvin (1824-1907)
from lecture to the Institute of Civil Engineers, 3 May 1883


I have not had to create a db like this from scratch although I think I have enough skills and knowledge to pull it off.  I have been in PMEL / calibration for the better part of 29 years and have an I.T. degree to boot.  If you just need someone to put together all of the tables that you would need to do this that would not be too tall an order.  Of course that depends on how comprehensive a db you need.  Let me know if you still need help with this.