PMEL Challenge Coins

Started by photoflash, 03-08-2014 -- 19:03:49

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Hey everyone.  One of the groups posted this coin on FB.  Ordered 100 of them and all were sold.  I have another 20 requested.  If I can reach a QTY of 50, I will order some more.  They were $10 each including shipping.  If you are in a lab or can do a group order to save on shipping costs, that would be great.  Send me a message to with Total Qty, shipping address and phone number.  If I get enough to order them I will and let everyone know.  I can accept Paypal or Visa over the phone if that is easier for you.  Right now it takes about 30 days to get the coins once they are on order, so don't expect them overnight.  I can collect after I have coins in hand.  Thanks.