PMC Lonestar/Van Keuren Quality Issues

Started by MH53Guy, 09-11-2015 -- 14:00:38

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Has anyone seen any quality issues with PMC Lonestar/Van Keuren Gages? I have had a bunch of gear wires that were brand new fail cal.. now I am on to failing their brand new ring gages. My out of tolerance readings have been verified by other cal labs on different standards.


Same thing happened to me.  Brand new ring gage failed.  I sent them my measurements and they re-did the ring.  It came back in tolerance after that but not as close to nominal as I would have liked it.


TBH Ive had that issue with most mechanical suppliers.  Vermont/VanKeuren/Meyer etc.  Havent been able to find a solid reliable supplier for those kind of parts as of yet.


I can somewhat understand a ring gage going back for a little work.. but we have sent gear wires back so many times that they told us to use someone else. :)  so be it!