Deadweight tester calibration

Started by USMCPMEL, 10-15-2021 -- 12:39:45

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Anyone need a deadweight tester calibrated? We are pretty slow right now. I could get it done quick if you send it in soon. We do hydraulic and pneumatic. We can go up to 50,000 PSI on the hydraulic models and 1000 PSI on pneumatic. We have done most major manufacturers LR cal, Ametek, Ashcroft, Budenburg, Nagona, Pressurements and Chandler. We also do repairs on most units as well.


how about a Ruska 2465. Mine goes up to 600 psi. A low and high range piston


No. Our accuracy would be very close to the same accuracy as the 2465. We have one ourselves and have to send it out to Fluke.